A trip to the library with Daddy, to give me a short break, was derailed by a massive meltdown by Cassidy this morning. So Kalea got some time with Daddy to herself &, after some calming down time, Cassidy is honing her architectural & horticultural skills by building a farm with her blocks.
I'm pretty sure the meltdown stems from the fact that 10 pm seems to be the new 8 pm according to our dear, strong-willed child. Any suggestions for getting bedtime back on track are welcome!
Happy Saturday!
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Move to PA :)
Ugh, the dreaded bedtime! Summe is hard for mine, who are older, because by the time they think they are on a new schedule, they have to get back into a school routine! Good luck...maybe you can try and tire them out (which sometimes backfires!).
Has my family recruited you to start on me too? :)
She is *such* a routine girl, but for some reason it's been all off lately. Good luck getting your little ones back in the school schedule!
No suggestions but wishing you well!
Well... i can't help you with this Jackie.. I am sorry... You see i am the 1 am to 10 am girl myself...
all the best though
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