I realize that I've been complaining lately about the stresses of toddler-hood, the terrible twos, teething & diaper rash lately. However the tantrums & teething are, generally, outweighed by loving, fun & silly times.
My favorite time of day with Cassidy is still immediately after she wakes up from sleeping & snuggles into my shoulder - I don't think I could ever get quite enough of that special snuggle time. She's reaching such milestones lately such as: dressing herself, drinking from a regular cup, beginning to color near inside the lines (with no prompting!), drawing some simple shapes such as a circle & a square as well as learning the meaning of traffic light colors (this means that I now have a constant back seat driver, "stop mama! go mama - go fast!).
Kalea is a crawling machine these days. When we left for vacation she wasn't mobile. Since we've gotten back she hasn't stopped moving. I hadn't considered baby-proofing the house, since we didn't un-baby-proof since Cassidy was little, but apparently I forgot about fur covered cat toys & houseplants. Oops. So there's been a bit of chasing & a few finger sweeps of her little mouth. All par for the course in second child-rearing, right? Other than the milestones she reached during vacation she's started waving & mimicking sounds like "uh-oh" which I'm pretty sure will soon be followed by dropping things on purpose so that mommy needs to pick them up!
We're terribly lucky to be the parents of such an inquisitive, curious & active children. I keep this in mind today, giving me perspective, as we pray for our friend Kai who, at the precious age of 7 months, is undergoing a liver transplant today, for his daddy who is donating part of his liver & for his mommy who is enduring this tough day. Lots of love, prayers & positive energy to them.
It is hard when you are smack dab in the middle of parenting to appreciate all the little things. Nice post.
Thanks - good way to sum it up!
You remind me to enjoy the frequent special moments with my kids.
They are so beautiful!!
Thanks for reminding me. It's been a long summer, and sometimes a rough one, but it's also been a lot of fun. All too soon, September will be here, and my house will be quiet again, and though I will cherish it the first week or so, I will miss the constant chatter, the aggravation of constant "why not?", and most of all, her pretty face waking me up every morning.
The days pass so quickly, don't they? Kids think that summer is just for them, but really, it's just as much for grown ups. Enjoy the remainder of yours.
Thanks. I think so too. But then again, I'm a little biased.
We need reminders every now & again...the daily grind can take it's toll. Glad to have helped!
Yeah they do like dropping things intentionally to say uh-oh.
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