Tuesday, August 3, 2010

just for comparison.

Can you guess which is Cassidy & which is Kalea? They look a lot like sisters, don't they? 

More blogging soon - we had a weekend full of family & friend time...just not much time for blogging!

BTW - thanks to the Drama Mama for passing on the Sugar Doll Award. Isn't that sweet? Go visit & get to know her a little better - she's got a cooking blog too!


Ratz said...

Hey Jackie... can't see the first pic.... i tried refreshing so many times... still not working.. can u please check it out? and btw congrats on the award..... sugardoll.... your little girl is one herself... so i guess it is a mother-daughter thing, :-D

lumpsonablog said...

Thanks for letting me know! I think I fixed it - can you see it now?

Ratz said...

OH my Effin God... you are so right.... They both look so alike... U got beautiful names for your girls btw.... but which one is whom.. please let me know!!!

Gramma B. said...

Two cutie patuties! Gramma B's opinion - Kalea top, Cassidy bottom! xoxo

Michael Lumpkin said...

Umm..I think you posted two pics of the same daughter...right?

lumpsonablog said...

You must know *something* about little girls who look alike! :)

lumpsonablog said...

My goodness, a comment appearance by Daddy Michael. Will there also be a "guest post" in the near future too?