Monday, March 22, 2010

potty training!

We should have known that potty training, like many other things in Cassidy's life, would happen in her good time.  We've had a toddler potty for a while but she was only intermittently interested in using it.  For Valentine's Day, Gran sent Cassidy a Dora potty seat to use on the big potty & that re-kindled her interest a little bit.  But, yesterday was the big day. After nap we changed her diaper &, like most times, asked if she wanted to try the to potty.  She did & then said to Michael, "No piaper on."  (Interpretation: "No diaper on!")  So, we tried it.  She went for a good three hours or more, through playtime & dinner without an accident.  Granted we asked if she had to go potty about every five minutes, but she made us proud.  We reverted back to the diaper for overnight & for church today & then headed to Target for some big girl panties.  (I was ill prepared for this momentous occasion!)  And when we got home this afternoon, she didn't have any accidents at all again.  Wish Michael luck as he gets to spend the first full day with her tomorrow!


Gina said...

She is so cute! When we trained my L, it always felt like two steps forward, one step back. I hope yours goes much smoother! :)

CaneWife said...

That's awesome! It feels like we are soooo far away from potty training.

Beth Zimmerman said...

One of my all time favorite pictures is from when my son was about 2 1/2 and we set the potty chair in the living room in front of the couch one day (don't remember why ... probably desperation) and he is sitting there on this little blue potty chair with his foot crossed over his knee watching TV. Hilarious! :)

Beth Zimmerman said...

Thanks for coming by my blog and taking time to comment! I LOVE comments! :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for the comments everyone!

@ Beth - I love comments too. It's kind of addicting! :)