Saturday, February 23, 2013

{week 8}

Talk about a fast week! The girls were off school on Monday & Tuesday for President's Day so the rest of the week just flew by. I actually woke up on Saturday morning panicked that Michael was late for work because the week just seemed off to me. On Monday, we had a fun playdate with a bunch of MOPS/preschool buddies. The house was filled to the brim with kid activity while the mommies relaxed. Later in the week the girls had fun helping make dinner - while sneaking vegetables like cabbage & carrots! The weekend was the highlight for Cassidy, who got to go to a little girl spa for part of a friend's birthday party. There were chocolate facials, cucumber eyes, manicures, pedicures, tiaras, boas, blue & purple eye shadow with glitter plus blue hairspray. She.was.thrilled...and looked just like an extra from an 80s music video! 

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