Friday, December 31, 2010

holiday recap.

We spent two weeks in Pennsylvania visiting family for Christmas. It was so much fun to see longtime friends, spend time with family, eat Genova's pizza a hundred times & especially see the kids run, play, laugh & put Uncle Mark-Monster under the coffee table. Although I took something like 400 pictures, I won't subject you to all of them...but fair warning that there are quite a few!
SLC we go!
decorating the tree.
cassidy's 1'x1' section had 80 decorations.
visit to great-grandparents!
grandma love!
making brownies with uncle derrick
the olive garden didn't know what hit them
gymnastics with sean
melting snowman cookies
MC playdate!
cold weather swing-set action
fancy dresses for Christmas Eve
pecan pie...homegrown from mama teen's farm!
christmas morning extravaganza
elijah's baptism
she thinks she's big now.
headed home!
A Belated Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all!

1 comment:

Melodyhester said...

I especially love your matching pj's! Sooo cute.....Old Navy? I've not seen adult and kid matching pajama's. I just love them. Sounds like ya'll had a great trip!