Dear baby girl,
Mommy & Daddy were the only ones there when you were born (except our midwife & a nurse). You were in a hurry to meet us & came out with the help of only a few pushes. I yelled & your daddy cried - it was completely & overwhelmingly amazing. We couldn't stop cuddling & kissing you that day...& still can't a year later!
Over the past year you've grown so much & learned so many things. Today you are crawling all over the house - recently you discovered that you can go into your room & pull your blankie out of the crib to snuggle all by yourself. It makes me smile to see you cuddling up to the side of the crib with it. You pull up on everything these days - chairs, sides of the bed, couches, the coffee table & even the cat. You're taking steps while holding onto our fingers & I'm sure you'll be off & running soon. Every day you "talk" more & more. While you started babbling a few months ago, today you can say up, mama, dada & hi. There are a few more words in there I'm sure, but I just can't quite understand them yet. Although you do know how to sign more, water, milk & all done too.
These days you must be growing - I think you weigh about 19 lbs (we'll find out tomorrow at your 12 month appointment) - because you just eat & eat & eat! You're still nursing a few times a day. I love having that special quiet time with you. Besides that you eat chopped up versions of whatever our family has for breakfast, lunch & dinner. You even started using a spoon last week...even if about 80% of it ends up in your lap!
We celebrated your birthday this weekend. Grandma, Grandpa & Aunt Jenny came to Utah just for the occasion. It was so special to see you love, kiss & play with them. And, of course, you did a fantastic job destroying your cake. Once you realized you were allowed to put that sweet goopy stuff in your mouth there was a look of pure joy that crossed your face.
You're such a happy, smiling, giggling girl! You give the best wet, sloppy, open mouth kisses & the sweetest snuggles. Every day is an adventure with you & the big sister that you so clearly adore. You follow her around from room to room always wanting to share toys & book. I love it when we turn on music & you both bounce, dance & giggle. I wish I could just bottle up a piece of that happiness so you could hold on to it always.
I love you more than the world.
Oh! Precious. Happy Birthday sweetheart..
SO sweet! Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!
Aw! Happy birthday to your sweetums. The cake photos are precious.
Thanks - a friend took them & there was no way I *couldn't* make them into a play by play collage!
Thanks! It's hard to believe it's been a year already!
*slobber, slobber, phheeew, yup!*
(Kalea says thanks & gives big sloppy kisses!)
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