Friday, April 9, 2010

hi my name is...

It's been a while since I spent some time in the blog-o-sphere finding new blogs or saying hi to some of the kind people to visit our blog. Although it's no excuse, my dad left today after a 10 day visit - which, by the way, the girls just loved - so I have a few minutes to explore.  What better way to get back in the swing of things than with "The Ultimate Blog Party."

I realize that I've never done a "proper" introduction of myself or my little family since lumpsonablog began as a little project for family members only.  Although most of the traffic that we get is still family, I've noticed a growing number of hits in places we don't have family.  So, without further ado, the intro.

I'm Jackie, the main contributor to this blog & the momma of our clan. I turned 30 last August &, other than adding another munchkin to the mix a month later, decided that I needed a new project.  Enter blog makeover. It's a work in progress with some halts & stammers & inspiration from great blog-o-friends (shout out to three pugs & a baby!) I'm slowly moving toward a more finished place. I realize that, at least at this point, this isn't going to be a money making blog, or one that get a gazillion followers, but I'm happy with how it's progressing. When I'm not blogging, I work as an event coordinator/special projects manager/do-what-the-boss-needs-done-person. It's not what I want to do when I grow up (which is an entire post in & of itself) but it works for now. I feel good that I, at least, work for an organization whose mission I believe in & have a great boss who has worked with me for the past three years or so since I first got pregnant with C & wanted a more flexible work schedule.  Since K was born I've moved from full-time work to part-time work.  I love that I can spend three days a week with my girls, watching them explore, grow, learn & play. Although there are those days, I wouldn't trade it for the world. 

So, my friends, that's the intro.  I'm sure there's more to tell about me, but at least you've got the nutshell picture.  I'm so glad you stopped by to visit - be sure to leave a comment & a way I can find your blog so I can come visit you!

Happy Blogging!

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

The Ultimate Blog Party is such a neat way to find new blog-o-friends & ideas. I'm so excited to start surfing. What's also cool is that they have some great prizes to give away. Part of the fun is to make a wish list & link your top three to the blogs that have generously donated gifts. My wish list would include: the $100 gift gift eCertificate to provided by Amy LeForge of Earnest Parenting, a custom made tutu for my little one provided by Healthy Moms – The Number One Health Blog for Moms or Nellie Bug’s, or basically any of the gift cards or items for little girls on the list. I'm so impressed!


Beth Zimmerman said...

Nice to meet you! :)

Kate Pantier @ Mommy Monologues said...

Thanks for stopping by! I'm a new follower too! I can't wait to keep reading!

Shamrocks and Shenanigans said...

Shamrocks and Shenanigans came to say HI! Cute blog!

Spoiled...but Not Rotten said...

HI! Popping in for the UBP! This is my first year and I love discovering all the new blogs I didn't know about!

Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog as well!

Anonymous said...

Hi. Thanks for stopping by & saying 'hi'. I have been doing the same kind of blog gut-checking lately. It's nice to hear that I'm not th eonly one. Looking for to reading more about your family.

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by both new & old friends! I'm just loving this UBP - it's my first year participating & I'll definitely join in again next time it rolls around. Looking forward to exploring all the new blogs!

Unknown said...

Nice to meet you. Stop by my blog anytime!

Amy LeForge said...

I LOVE your blog title! And you have recipes, yay! You're making me hungry though...not good late at night. Thanks for stopping by my UPB post; I look forward to seeing more from you soon.

Jules AF said...

Oh man, are you an events coordinator who plans parties??? That would be an awesome job.

Unknown said...

And hi to a few new people too.

@BN - I'm not quite as exciting as that, just a little for profit that has a few events a year. I think I'd like to do party/big event planning though. I'm a big color coded, organizing nerd like that!

mama2lilev said...

Stopping by for the party! Nice to meet you :)

suzannah | the smitten word said...

i just turned 30, too. blogging started as a way to chronicle life for myself (was never gonna scrapbook!) and family far away, but i love the community that has developed!

nice to "meet" you:)

Amanda said...

Nice to "meet" you. Dropping by from UBP.

Heather said...

Thanks for stopping by! I will definitely be back!

leanne said...

Hello! Stopping by on the UBP. Looks like I'll have to check out some of your recipes:) Have a fun day.

Marsha said...

Your blog name just cracks me up! It's been a lot of fun finding new blogs to read. Yours is really nice! Have a great week!

Unknown said...

Thanks & hi to a few new visitors! I've been busy the last few days & am just getting to replying to comments.

It's so fun to read your blogs & discover new blog-o-friends! Come back soon & often. I'll be back to posting new & exciting (well at least to me!) things this afternoon or tomorrow!

Trish said...

Just catching up on my Ultimate Blog Party hopping - hope you're having a great week! I went from full-time to part-time when my son was born eight years ago, and it has been such a blessing when I needed the flexibility.

My UBP Post

Sab said...

Great to meet you! Also stopping by from UBP! Isn't it fun meeting other moms?

Unknown said...

Hi - stopped by for the party and am now a follower!! Hope you stop by and check my blog out too!
Amber :)

Barb Webb said...

Happy UBP! Nice to "meet" you at the party :)

stacy said...

Hi! Popping by from the UBP. Nice meeting you!

Unknown said...

I'm seriously having a hard time keeping up with all your wonderful comments! Thanks to all for stopping by. I think I've returned the favor to everyone & added you to my dashboard. I'll be back around once it quiets down around here to get to know you more!

Eileen Rhoadarmer said...

Hello, I'm stopping by for the party! Your blog name caught my eye, how cute! I hope you'll come visit at

Pam said...

Happy blog party!