Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April: Photo of the Day Month

I admit that I'm definitely cheating on this first Photo of the Day, but I wanted to share a few images of our Easter. Cassidy had a fantastic time painting eggs, hunting & hiding eggs all over our living room. (Crazily we're having snowy weather right now so outside egg hunts were out this time around.)  She also had a heck of a time stealing candy from everyone's Easter baskets & was on a full fledged sugar overload by the end of the day. Good times! 


A. Pearce said...

You guys are so cute! I keep wishing we lived closer so our girls could be friends and hang out. I'm glad you were able to bring the festivities indoors.

Unknown said...

Thanks! I think about that too.

And thanks for the photo inspiration - I totally stole the idea from you!