Wednesday, February 9, 2011

project 365 photo: 02.09.2011

Hi out there. I know it's been a while, but life has been opening a lot of doors lately. Not to be cryptic or anything. Blogging, well the "words" part of blogging at least, has kind of taken a back seat to laundry, housecleaning, cooking, and refereeing little princess #1 & #2 (who, btw, not only learned the word "no" in the past two weeks but also "mine." clearly I spoke too soon.) But, we're doing well out here in the Mountain West, especially on days like today when there were blue skies & snow capped mountains all around.


Lindsay Rakers said...


Ratz said...

Wow... so beautiful.

Rachel Voorhees said...

WOW! That picture is amazing!!!!

Beth Zimmerman said...

Beautiful! We'll all, at least those of us who are too addicted to blogging to bail out entirely, make it back sooner or later! I'm still kind of working my way back into a blogging routine myself! Responsibility and maturity is just a pain in the neck some days!