Sunday, July 3, 2011

project 365 photo: 07.03.2011 {sprinklers!}

As we slid into July, the weather got hot enough to  head out to the backyard a couple times to play in the sprinkler. Cassidy is a pro at running through, around & under the water, squealing all the while. Kalea, however, was a first timer & surprised every time the water seemed to chase her back & forth across the yard.

She ran back & forth from the water to the towels where I sat in the shade giggling & saying, "I did it!" & "Wet!" over & over again, following her big sister back into the water each time. She was thrilled

The day was cut to an unfortunate end, however, when Cassidy had her first run-in with a bee. The bright red & orange towels managed to attract the creature that Cassidy stepped on while munching on some goldfish. After a minor freak out, she did a great job calming down & applying a bag of frozen corn to her foot. Not a milestone we're happy to have reached, but she handled it like a champ!

1 comment:

Ratz said...

tat is one strong gal i know.