
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

project 365 photo: 06.08.2011 {progress}

Do you know why Kalea looks like she's about to pack her bucket & head out? Because she is...

We're incredibly excited that the appraisal for our new house in Georgia finally came in after a couple weeks of hassle & Jackie calling the finance people incessantly. Yes, it got to the point where the guy on the other end would answer his cell phone by saying, "Hi Ms. Lumpkin, I was just going to call you..." (to which I rolled my eyes!). However, the appraisal is finally completed & received & exactly where we want it to be. Hopefully we'll be able to set a closing date by the middle of next week (maybe the week of 6/20-6/24) & at that point can give the moving company the two weeks notice they need to schedule the packing, loading & moving!

Progress!!! Whooohoo!!!

I think the most frustrating part of this process has been the waiting & waiting. Waiting patiently is something I'm not so good at after nearly two months without my husband in state! But now, we can get things rolling with the move, book some airline tickets to get Michael back out here for a few days prior to the move (whoohoo again!) as well as the girls & I to Georgia via Pennsylvania and I can start researching, in earnest, all the life things that need to be transferred from here to there - like preschool for Cassidy, summer activities for the girls, churches, pediatrician, dentist...oh, and a new midwife since I'll be half way through this pregnancy by the time we get settled! (And for those of you who are asking - no we don't know the gender. The ultrasound where we could find out is scheduled for June 20th here in Utah. However we're going to make all of you wait until November to find out the gender since this baby is going to be another surprise Lumpkin!!!!)

Wish us luck & send us your extra energy - these next few weeks are sure to be busy ones!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my good wishes are always with you Jackie. Everything is going to be perfect. You just take good care. :)
