
Sunday, June 5, 2011

project 365 photo: 06.05.2011 {we love church}

One of the things we're really going to miss about Utah is our church, Holladay UCC. While I wasn't brave enough to take the girls to the Pride Parade where our congregation took part in carrying a humongous flag this morning by myself (you know, pregnant lady + three year old + no bathrooms = not a good idea), we did manage to make it to church less than 5 minutes late.

As we walked in they were handing out various small hand percussion instruments to all the kids & kids at heart to use during the service. Cassidy was beyond excited & ran to the front to get one. She danced, sang & shook her shaker during the opening songs just about as joyously as anyone I've ever seen. I just love that we're part of a community that values diversity of all kinds, including age, & thinks about ways to engage the little ones during the service instead of rolling their eyes & complaining about the noise in the background.

We're going to miss everyone - they'll be a hard crew to replace!

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