
Friday, June 3, 2011

project 365 photo: 06.03.2011 {stop & smell the flowers}

Less than three weeks until the official first day of summer, we're starting to feel spring-like here in Utah. I know many of the rest of you are in a crazy wave of heat & humidity, but here we've had temperatures in the high 50s & 60s for the past few weeks. This week, however, we got to see 70 at least twice & may even hit 80-something by the end of the weekend! Hooray!

I'm not complaining one bit though since I know that the girls & I are in for a shock whenever we make the move to the Southeast (hopefully before the end of the month?). We've had some quality outside bubble & sidewalk chalk time every day for the past week & thus have the most beautifully decorated sidewalks, side of the house, steps & driveway in the neighborhood. I'm happy to say that Kalea has moved past the eating chalk stage nicely which is a win-win situation for all of us.

The flowers in our garden are starting to bloom - very much due to Michael's careful planting last year & nothing to do with my (not-so-great) gardening abilities! Happy Spring Everyone!

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